Current article

RC Frame Component's Stiffness Reduction Factor Considering Non-elastic Characteristics

LIU Yi,WEI Wei,BAI Shao-liang


Received ,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2000,Pages 25-32108

  • Abstract
The simplified method, in which second-order elasticity analysis having undergone stiffness reduction is employed to research into sway frames' second order effect, has begun to be accepted by Chinese Standard. In the proper ascertainment of the value of stiffness reduction factor considering non-elastic characteristic, it is advisable to properly choose the checking computation method of the stiffness reduction on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of RC frame. Combined with a contrastive analysis of the present schemes in USA and New Zealand, a scheme to ascertain the RC frames component's stiffness reduction is proposed for the revision of the Chinese Standard.