Current article

The State and Optimization Countermeasures of Urban Land -use in China

Liu YanSui;Deng XuSheng;Gan Gong


Received January 20, 2005,Revised January 20, 2005, Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2005,Pages 1-4

  • Abstract
Urban land -use is closely related to urban development. A new trend and some problems in urban land- use appeared along with accelerated urbanization in China. The trend characterized with a large in- crease in the amount of urban land demand, the rise of the ratio of urban common land to total urban area and the elevation of urban land income. The problems mostly included a severe conflict between supply and demand of urban land, extensive land - use, a weak market - force in urban land resources allocation. Based on above analysis, the optimization countermeasures, which included intensive land - use, land - use structure optimization, exploitation of leave unused land in cities, and land - market construction, were put forward for promoting rational utilization of urban land and sustainable development of urban economy.