Current article

Form-finding System for Cable membrane Structures Based on ANSYS

YAN Chun ping,LI Zhi jun and LIU Fei


Received ,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2008,Pages 86-89

  • Abstract
Form finding of a cable membrane simulated by ANSYS is a time consuming process and requires high user analytical ability. This is due to the complexity of the steps and the characteristics of ANSYS. We analyzed the theory of the finite element method for form finding, summarized the form finding steps, and put forward how to conduct it in ANSYS. A system using APDL and User Luterface Design Language(UIDL) based on ANSYS was derived. An example was taken to check the accuracy and practicability of the system. This new system can save the engineering designer time and energy and also provide references for the future work.