Current article

A Small Scaled Liquid Dehumidification Air Conditioning System

LU Jun,LU Jing yan and LONG Ya dong


Received ,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2009,Pages 99-702

  • Abstract
We studied the dynamic characteristics of dehumidification and regeneration of CaCl2 solution, based on building dehumidification load and economical operation and conducting an experiment on a small scaled liquid dehumidification air conditioning system. Experimental results show that three main factors affect the performance of CaCl2 solution: solution temperature, solution concentration, and inlet air humidity. The dehumidification capacity of the CaCl2 solution is 32 g/kg in experimental conditions. Its regenerating performance is approximately 1.3~9 times than that of dehumidifying. After summarizing, we consider the liquid desiccant dehumidification with CaCl2 solution has substantial potential to be improved and generalized.