Current article

Analysis on the Quasi Monte-Carlo Method and its Application in the Slope Reliability

Chu Xuesong and Li Liang


Received ,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 01, 2015

Volume ,2013,Pages 33-39

  • Abstract
The critical reliability slip surface with minimum value of reliability index is difficult to be obtained by the Monte-Carlo method. The simplified Bishop method was adopted to calculate the factor of safety for given circular slip surface thereby defining the performance function in reliability analysis. Six variance values of random variables were designed and four sample ranges were assumed. A quasi-Monte Carlo method was defined with fow samples. One hundred and thirty-two potential slip surfaces were randomly generated. The reliability indexes regarding those slip surfaces were calculated by Monte-Carlo method and quasi-Monte Carlo method, respectively. The comparative results show that in the case of one random variable, the reliability index from Monte Carlo method is found to be linear with that from quasi-Monte Carlo method. In the similar conditions, the wider the sample range, the smaller the tangent value of line, and Vice versa. In addition, the bigger the sample number, the bigger the tangent value of line. The Quasi-Monte Carlo method is approved to be practicable for the determination of critical reliability slip surface for homogeneous slope.