Experimental analysis of thermal comfort in the hot-humid environment with radiant panel workstation
He Meiling , Li Nianping

Received July 22, 2016,Revised , Accepted , Available online July 04, 2017
Volume ,2017,Pages 11-16
- Abstract
This study focuses on thermal comfort of subjects with radiant panel workstation in hot-humid environment. The experiments are carried out in the experimental chamber. Thermal sensations of whole body, head, trunk, upper limb and lower limb of subjects are collected on the basis of seven-scale vote. The obtained results indicate that the average vote of thermal sensation at 28 ℃ is lower than +0.2, and subjects could maintain comfortable condition well with radiant panel workstation (within the 80% acceptable range of ASHRAE Standard) although indoor environment is as high as 30 ℃. This study provides a new way for both extending comfortable temperature range and saving energy in buildings.